Lil Requester


Get started empowering your child’s voice. Download now:

For Parents

It can be heartbreaking and frustrating to feel like your child isn’t able to communicate with you or the world around them, but parents – you’ve got this. Start using Lil Requester to help your child:

  • Tell you what he or she wants in a functional, appropriate way
  • Reduce tantrums and frustration that stem from communication difficulties
  • Communicate effectively with others when you aren’t there to help interpret their speech
  • Immediately start working on language skills while waiting to begin intervention services like Speech Therapy
  • Improve comprehension skills
  • Build stronger social-emotional connections with family members and friends through increased language skills
  • Form the foundation for other developmental skills
Lil Requester is distinctly designed to be simple and user-friendly, both for your child and you. And one more great feature. Your child’s profile can be securely shared to another family member or professional’s device. That can ensure the child’s whole team is on the same page, and allows you to view your child’s use of the communication app with another parent or their teacher. Not to mention, your child has access to communication no matter where they are.